Annabelle's Portfolio


I'm an aspiring dental/medical student who loves science and writing, but most of all, trying something new. My extensive list of hobbies has left me with an abundance of transferrable skills which I have narrowed down to three.

Welcome to my portfolio! Here you will find an insight into my hobbies and interests through my trendy website designs. I aim to capture the essence of each my projects and experiences in my growing photography and writing skillset. I love to create visually engaging pages to help organise my ideas and interests. Whether its about my school projects or something I saw on a walk, I strive to provide a place where all my important works can be showcased. In addition to my love for academic learning, I am passionate about various hobbies. From singing and dancing to drawing and reading, these activities bring joy and inspiration to my life and I want to spread that joy. Exploring different ideas, capturing others opinions, and diving into captivating novels are just a few things that fuel my never ending curiosity. Join me on this journey as I share my work and passions with you!


I hold firm to the belief that possessing a strong moral compass is essential, not only for the well-being of society, but also for my own personal development. The sense of making a positive impact drives me forever onward, and I will always uphold my moral principles.

My Attributes...


I take joy in believing that each time I share a smile, it leaves others a little happier than before. I hope this happiness spreads like a contagious warmth. To me, kindness is a powerful forceā€”one we can always choose to wield, and that choice matters most.


I am meticulously organized and have frequently been praised as an industrious worker. In addition to my perfectionist tendencies, I consistently invest myself in all available projects and remain highly motivated to achieve the goals I set for myself.


My Article

Gibbs' Reflective Cycle

During my experiences I have seen a vast variety of patients, and in order to use the opportunity to its advantage, I have used this process to help me analyse and comprehend different patient situations. This reflective cycle has helped me actively understand the steps taken to help patients, how to increase overall patient care and business management as a whole. Overall, helping me have a comprehensive understanding of what it means to be a medical professional and most importantly, my next steps to learning more!


Private and NHS dental clinic

During my two-week immersion in different dental practices, I had the opportunity to observe the daily operations of both private and NHS clinics from simple family check-ups to complex implant surgeries. This experience has provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the inner workings of dental clinics, allowing me to gain insight into the various aspects of caring for patients from all backgrounds. By using the reflective cycle, I have been able to evaluate my observations, allowing me to further enhance my learning and professional development in the field of dentistry. This hands-on experience has been invaluable in shaping my understanding of the dental industry.

NHS Hospital

coming soon...


coming soon...

Online Work Experiences

For the past year I have been using Medic Mentor as an accessible resource for various learning opportunities which has challenged me to ask critical questions along with niche subtopic questions and get the immediate answer at the grace of todays modern internet. The varied work experience sessions has allowed me to explore all the pathways into a medical career and the different careers to be perused, from A&E and neurosurgery to a day in the of a GP. I cannot praise this non-profit organisation enough as it has helped so many students reach their goals and have a true insight into the world of medicine preparing us for university all the way through to a qualified junior doctor.

Not only this, I have also been using the Outreach Brighton and Sussex Medical School programmes which uses an independent study and research learning style. This has taught me about the true qualities of a doctor managing the stress of patients and business management as well as informing me of statistics which aid my understanding of the medical field today.